Low & No-Cost Ways to Keep Thieves From Ruining Your Holidays
With holiday celebrations in full swing, December is meant to be a month of holiday cheer. Unfortunately, it’s also a time of year when Grinch-like thieves are on the lookout for easy targets. The good news is that with the following tips, you (and your gifts) should be safe from those with bad intentions.
Send packages to a secure location
If you opt to skip the madness of in-store shopping and plan to order gifts online this holiday season, you may want to reconsider where you have packages delivered. Unless you work from home or have a system in place that keeps deliveries secure, it’s a good idea to consider alternatives to the front porch. If your workplace is willing to accept packages, this is a good (free) option that’s very convenient. If you’re ordering from Amazon, you may be able to ship to a nearby Amazon locker. Many stores also allow you an “in-store” pick-up option rather than delivery.
Try not to show off your goods
Having a holiday tree front and center in your street-facing window lends a festive and warm addition to holiday lights and yard decorations. Unfortunately, if you plan to keep gifts under the tree, it also gives would-be thieves an opportunity to “window shop.” Even if you keep doors and windows locked, it never hurts to be cautious—some choose not to put gifts out until Christmas Eve, while others put their tree in a room that’s not visible from the front yard. If you do decide to place the tree by a front window, consider keeping curtains drawn during the day when no is home, and at night when everyone in the house has gone to sleep. And, when gifts are unwrapped, make sure product boxes aren’t visible while waiting for recycling pickup on your curb.
Don’t let on that you’re not home.
Criminals tend to target victims that offer little or no resistance, and it’s a big part of the reason they strike when they know the house is empty. If you plan to head out of town for the holidays, make sure it’s hard or impossible to tell that no one is home. Ask neighbors to pick up the mail, and if you have Christmas lights, set them on a timer. Consider keeping a car in the driveway, and don’t post about your vacation plans on social media.
At Open Mortgage, we care about your journey as a homeowner. If you’re interested in finding a house you can love for many holiday seasons to come, get in touch today.