
Sep 6, 2023
A couple’s mortgage is not just a financial arrangement; it’s a significant step that requires thoughtful consideration and planning. In this video, we’ll delve into the intricacies of a couple’s mortgage, exploring key factors to weigh, the various options available, and the potential benefits it can offer. Whether you’re newlyweds taking the plunge into joint […]
May 31, 2023
people around a table
According to a recent study from Merrill Lynch and AgeWave, retirees are expected to create an $8 trillion surge in giving over the next two decades. This “Longevity Bonus” will be a fundamental shift in philanthropy and is being driven by the convergence of several factors. Most notable is the growing number of baby boomers […]
Dec 28, 2021
Smart home devices and other new technologies are in-demand year-round but can have an outsized impact during the coldest season. Find out what your home may be missing when it comes to technology that can keep you safe, warm, and efficient this time of year. Smart Thermostat Smart thermostats have become relatively common in recent […]
Dec 23, 2021
Posing for a photo around a dinner table
This time last year, many people canceled their holiday parties and traditions due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now with vaccines readily available for anyone over the age of five and CDC guidance that makes in-home gatherings a responsible option for many, hosting duties are making a dramatic return. After such a long hiatus, make sure […]
Nov 25, 2021
Woman setting dining table
Holiday parties and family get-togethers are likely to make a comeback this season. After lots of canceled plans in the last year, many homeowners will be looking to make up for the lost time by hosting their family and friends. Start making your plans now to create a comfortable and safe space for your guests […]
Jul 22, 2021
Older couple driving an RV
With retirement around the corner, you may have big plans for filling your more flexible schedule. One of our recent posts explained many of the ways a reverse mortgage can expand your travel options. Now we’ll talk specifically about using a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) to take your retirement on the road. Your House […]
Dec 29, 2020
It’s never too late for a fresh start. In fact, it’s possible to support your retirement and move into a new home at the same time. In this video, Open Mortgage CEO and founder Scott Gordon discusses the financial flexibility of a HECM for Purchase mortgage. Some topics he covers: Downsizing or relocating to cut […]
Jun 9, 2020
Closet with clothes
Most of us have been spending a lot more time at home than usual, and some are discovering issues that were easier to overlook until now. If you’ve found yourself in this situation—whether you’re too cramped to live, work and raise a family in the same space or you simply want more room outdoors to […]
May 5, 2020
toy house in a ring box
Did you know: it’s becoming more common to purchase the ideal home before planning the perfect wedding? If you’ve found yourself in this scenario, having a place to move into might be comforting for your future partner—but there could also be unforeseen financial complications. When preparing to take the matrimonial leap, consider refinancing your mortgage […]
Apr 28, 2020
Two couples looking at a house
Despite the significant age difference, a recent survey from the National Association of Realtors shows that Millennials are breaking with past home-buying trends and aligning their preferences with their grandparents’ generation. This development could alter your house-hunting approach, no matter the year you were born.  If you’ve been shopping for a home, but have yet […]