Make Sure Your Home is Ready for Storm Season
Peak hurricane season is here, and homeowners in coastal towns aren’t the only ones who need to be prepared. Previous storms have proven that wind, flooding and other damage can be unpredictable and widespread.
Before you find yourself in the path of a strong storm, make sure you’re protecting your home from physical damage, and your bank account from financial harm with a proactive approach.
Focus on Weaknesses
One of the simplest approaches to storm readiness at your home is to identify potential problems early on. Addressing these issues before severe weather is even on the radar will make solving them less stressful and less expensive than repairing the consequences in the aftermath of a storm.
Keep the trees surrounding your home healthy and trimmed to reduce the risk of damage from broken branches or a complete uprooting. Take note of any untethered items that could become airborne from strong winds and move them indoors when necessary. Inspect your roof regularly to spot minor problems that could create a larger failure in a storm. Installing storm shutters or having pre-cut plywood on hand will make it easy to protect windows and doors from flying objects.
Avoid Insurance Surprises
Not all insurance policies are created equal. And the cause of damage to your home can determine what type of insurance is needed. Some home insurance policies may have a higher deductible for damage due to windstorms, while high-risk areas may require utilizing a state-subsidized insurer for wind coverage. Similarly, federal flood insurance may be your only protection against rising waters that enter your home. Yet, you may not have it if flooding is only a moderate risk on your property.
Be sure you read your policies carefully to decipher what is and is not covered. Local flood maps can reveal the likelihood of damage from floodwaters. With those details clearly defined, you can decide if increasing your coverage or setting aside funds for a higher deductible is smart.
Be Prepared for the Worst
While few of us want to consider a worst-case scenario, it’s the responsible approach. Take the time to consider evacuation plans in situations where staying put is not a safe option. Power alternatives such as a portable or home-integrated generator can protect against extended outages and be a lifesaving necessity for some homeowners.
Less dramatic steps, such as turning your freezer and refrigerator to the coldest settings, filling bathtubs with water for hygiene, and keeping plenty of bottled water for drinking on hand can also make recovering from a storm a more manageable experience.
The experts at Open Mortgage are always prepared to meet your lending needs. Browse our website or speak to a representative today to see how we care for clients the same way you care for your home.