
Jul 28, 2020
As more mortgage products have become available, the standard 20% down payment is rarely required by lenders. If you’re saving up for your dream home, watch this video. Our CEO and founder, Scott Gordon, discusses some low down payment options.. Some of the topics he covers: Honestly assessing your financial ability to determine down payments […]
Jul 2, 2020
An economic downturn can result in a unique opportunity for homebuyers willing to take a calculated risk. The number of foreclosed homes available on the market can grow when financial struggles are common, but investors are often ready to capitalize.  However, shoppers looking for a place of their own can also take advantage if they […]
Jun 23, 2020
piggy bank
Buying a home is a very exciting time, but it’s also a big financial move. In this video, our CEO and founder, Scott Gordon, discusses the importance of having a healthy savings account before buying a home. Some of the topics he covers: Saving and knowing what lenders look for Preparing for unexpected home expenses […]
Jun 11, 2020
laptop with Google Maps on the screen

These days, virtual home tours are on the rise as an alternative to in-person showings. But the contactless house-hunting process might leave too much to the buyer’s imagination. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of a digital shopping experience: Make Technology Your Best Friend There’s plenty to admire about touring […]

Jun 4, 2020
black man staring at computer
No one claimed that finding the right home was easy, but some challenges may be too hard to overcome without restarting the process from scratch. From unreliable realtors and major repair issues with properties to not being honest with yourself about budgetary limitations, here are some tell-tale signs that your home search needs a fresh […]
May 14, 2020
Three people of different professiona
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of many, especially first responders, healthcare workers, and teachers. If you work in any of these jobs, thank you for everything you do to keep our communities safe, healthy, and educated. This blog is intended to share information about a program and some home-buying incentives designed to help […]
Apr 28, 2020
Two couples looking at a house
Despite the significant age difference, a recent survey from the National Association of Realtors shows that Millennials are breaking with past home-buying trends and aligning their preferences with their grandparents’ generation. This development could alter your house-hunting approach, no matter the year you were born.  If you’ve been shopping for a home, but have yet […]
Apr 16, 2020
A small house next to a huge house. Maybe a graph that shows interest rates going down is superimposed in the blue sky above them.
The answer might not surprise you: it all depends on whether your budget can stretch beyond making a larger down payment. While falling interest rates allow for added purchasing power, it remains critical that you understand the true cost of any home—that’s especially the case if the property you’re now eying is a greater financial […]
Apr 14, 2020
Woman with laptop
Recent social distancing efforts have given millions of Americans their first experience with the growing trend of working remotely. The coronavirus pandemic, and an eagerness to avoid similar outbreaks in the future, are likely to create even more opportunities to work from home most of the time, if not entirely. As advances in technology and […]
Apr 2, 2020
hands being washed
As local, state, and federal officials work to slow the spread of Coronavirus in the United States, the necessary response can differ significantly depending on your circumstances. And while the overall risk to most Americans continues to be low, certain precautions are consistently recommended to protect yourself, and others, against COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. […]