
Understanding your mortgage payment is essential to your budget. Despite the name, it likely encompasses more than just paying back your lender, so comprehending what it’s comprised of is important for the future. What are the pieces to the mysterious puzzle that will hold your checkbook captive for the next 15-30 years? Let’s break it […]

For most of us, the dream of home ownership is important for reasons that aren’t easy to quantify with numbers. After all, a home of our own gives us a place to build a life, and the ability to mold it to our specific needs and family. But that doesn’t mean we don’t hope that […]

If you’re one of the 44 million Americans with student loan debt, buying a home may seem like a distant dream. However, some sound financial planning and an understanding of what lenders are looking for can put homeownership within reach. Start With Understanding Your Situation It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by student loan debt. […]

Congratulations! You just paid off your mortgage. It’s probably one of the few times you actually enjoyed paying a bill. But, have you thought about what comes next? Owning a home free and clear certainly creates new opportunities for your financial future. However, before making plans for your revamped budget, do your part to avoid […]