Tricks and Treats to Make your Home a Halloween Destination
The official start of autumn has begun. Leaves will soon begin to change, and stores and coffee shops across the nation have already started rolling out pumpkin-spice-everything. For little ones across the country, fall also means Halloween and the fun of trick-or-treating.
Put a few of these tips into action to make your home a standout among your tiny, costumed neighbors (and their chaperones).
Support the Teal Pumpkin Project
While a night dedicated to collecting as much candy as you can carry may sound like every kid’s dream, Halloween can be a tricky time for families managing serious food allergies. Make your celebration more inclusive by joining the Teal Pumpkin Project, an initiative of Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE). It’s easy. Just offer non-food items alongside or in place of traditional offerings. Think items like pencils, stickers or small Halloween-themed toys. Let neighbors know you have these options by displaying a teal-painted pumpkin on your doorstep or hanging one of the free signs available on the FARE website.
Make way for costumed visitors
In many neighborhoods, trick-or-treaters will hit the trail in the early evening hours, when daylight begins to fade. Darkness combined with costumes that include masks or unfamiliar footwear can increase the potential for slips and falls. Help visitors along by ensuring your driveway and walkways are well-lit and clear of leaves and other debris. That includes making sure your decorations aren’t blocking the way.
Get creative with less-spooky decor
When it comes to lawn decor, thinking beyond classic, spooky figures like ghosts and goblins could make your home a more inviting destination for trick-or-treaters of all ages. Plus, it’s an opportunity to get creative and think outside the box! Consider decorating with more subtle themes like fall pumpkins or favorite animated characters.
Get to know your neighbors
A 2018 Pew Research survey revealed that only 30 percent of Americans know their neighbors. It’s an unfortunate truth, as studies have shown that people who know their neighbors feel safer and stay put longer. So, take this chance to connect with others in your community, invite them back for dinner, or swap phone numbers.
If you are looking to plant roots in a new neighborhood or finally purchase that home with a yard big enough for your fall-themed scarecrows, Open Mortgage can help you get started. Call us today.