
Oct 4, 2016

Seniors are living longer than ever, a trend that’s expected to continue in decades ahead. In fact, a recent report from the National Center for Health Statistics found that a 65-year-old American can expect to live to the age of 84.3—or for 19 years past the age of retirement Because seniors are living longer, they […]

Mar 10, 2016

Reverse mortgages have had a negative perception until recently. The Federal Housing Administration has altered the program to the point that it can now be used as a financial planning tool and not just another loan product. It still does not negate the fact that so many misconceptions have been associated with HECM loans. However, […]

Feb 4, 2016

If you’re a retiree, you have probably heard talk of reverse mortgages. What exactly are they? What are the pros and cons? Is a reverse mortgage a good idea for you personally? Reverse mortgages are basically loans available to people over 62. Using your house as collateral, the lender gives you money to use during […]

Jan 22, 2016
Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase: Helping Homeowners Age 62+ “Right-Size” Their Way into a More Comfortable Retirement Many people know that a reverse mortgage allows homeowners age 62 and older to tap into the equity of their homes to improve their cash flow and eliminate their monthly mortgage payments. But did you know it […]