
It’s a time of the year many Americans dread: tax season. While preparing taxes can be painful work, almost 80% of those in the U.S. will get a refund, with an average of about $2800 over the past few years. But if you find yourself with a nice chunk of change after filing taxes, what […]

As homeowners grow older and retire, they look forward to a new chapter in their lives. They plan to travel more, spend time with grandkids, and read all the bestsellers, with plenty of time to putter around their home gardens. But all home gardens are not created equally; homeowners that don’t want to pay for […]

Those who go from renters to buyers will encounter a new kind of tax as a homeowner: property taxes. Location determines if, and how much a homeowner can potentially save through a homestead tax exemption, and while your mind is focused on taxes (albeit a different type of taxes), it’s time to do your research […]

As you prepare for retirement, and start considering a reverse mortgage, also known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), there are some important things to remember. While all HECM loans require a third-party counseling session with a government-approved housing counselor, understanding the obligations and responsibilities of homeowners from the outset can help with planning and […]

You know exactly what you want in a house. You’ve scoped out your local market, and a couple of neighboring markets, too. You’ve kept an eye on foreclosures and auctions and done your research. There’s just one problem: nothing you’ve seen meets your expectations; the house you want doesn’t exist yet as-is. So what’s to […]

Everyone looks forward to their retirement, but experiencing an income adjustment isn’t easy. This becomes especially true as homeowners and their houses age together. Retirees may find that at a certain point their homes need minor repairs or upgrades they aren’t able or willing to fix themselves. For those living on a fixed income, a […]

Congratulations! You just paid off your mortgage. It’s probably one of the few times you actually enjoyed paying a bill. But, have you thought about what comes next? Owning a home free and clear certainly creates new opportunities for your financial future. However, before making plans for your revamped budget, do your part to avoid […]

A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), or reverse mortgage, allows homeowners age 62 and older to tap into their home’s equity. The funds can be used to supplement retirement income, travel or for any number of other purposes while allowing the homeowners to remain in the home as long as they like. But, what about […]

Teachers and first responders have an enormous impact on our communities. What they consider routine can have life-changing implications for those around them. And although the financial rewards for these professionals may match their efforts, the contributions don’t go unnoticed. One way their dedication gets recognized is through unique home buying and mortgage programs. These […]