
Your FICO credit score plays a key role in your ability to apply for a low interest mortgage. The higher your credit score, the more lenders are able to offer you a competitive rate on your loan. For those who are looking at buying a new home, it’s important to prioritize fixing your credit score […]

Options for Mortgage Holders Suffering from Flood Damage Only a couple weeks after Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, Hurricane Irma has devastated Florida this past weekend. There is no denying that homes all over the region are going to sustain damage, including flood damage from each hurricane’s harsh rain. If your home has been affected by […]

In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, many uncommon homeowner and mortgage scenarios have been thrust into the spotlight. As those in Houston and the surrounding areas are faced with unimaginable challenges from this surprise hurricane, the following tips may give guidance and peace of mind. One such situation involves a house that is […]

If you’re considering a reverse mortgage, we advise talking to your adult children beforehand about your thoughts and goals. This video provides some tips to help guide this conversation:

Before you can receive a home equity conversion mortgage (also known as a reverse mortgage), you’re required to take part in a third party counseling session with a government-approved counselor. This counseling session helps you learn more about the loan. Depending on your financial circumstances, there could be fees for this session. Learn about the […]

When you apply for a reverse mortgage loan, you will need to provide some documentation. It is a good idea to create a checklist of all the documents that you may need for the reverse mortgage process. This video breaks down the documents you should gather before applying for a reverse mortgage.

Retirement is meant to be a time of self-exploration, fun, and relaxation. You spent 40+ years working hard, and retirement is your reward for that hard work. Many seniors take advantage of their free time with vacations, especially cruises, which provide the ultimate escape from day to day life. There are many affordable cruises. But […]