
Home improvement isn’t just about fixing what’s broken. It’s also about improving and expanding your home to accommodate your needs as you grow. Whether it’s indoor remodeling, structural modifications or landscaping and exterior beautification, home improvement projects should improve your quality of life as well as your level of satisfaction with your house. Part of […]

School’s out and the long days of summer are in full swing, which means it’s a great time to invest in some projects to spruce up your home or yard. From one-day odd jobs to weekend undertakings, these family-friendly activities will create memories and value for years to come. Plant a Raised Vegetable Garden There’s […]

In less than a decade, Airbnb has transitioned from a trendy vacation method to a staple of modern day travel. As the travel season approaches, some will be looking to save money at vacation destinations, while others might be converting their homes into Airbnb units for extra cash. Could Airbnb hosting be a good option […]

July is National Grilling Month, and with good reason: long after the 4th of July festivities are over, the lure of Summer Fridays and the promise of pool parties means the backyard is a continuous opportunity for celebration. For homeowners looking to upgrade their backyard space for this purpose, we’ve created a guide to outdoor […]

The season of vacations, pool parties, barbecues and sunblock is nearly here. But, summer months aren’t all sun and fun. The higher temperatures can run utility fees up to unsightly amounts. Take action now to make sure your summer is high on thrills and low on bills. Cool Your Home The Old-Fashioned Way Believe it […]

With the days getting longer and warmer weather settling in, moving downtime from the living room to the backyard is a familiar ambition. However, if your outdoor space lacks the functionality and comfort of your couch, it could be time to make a change. Find The Funds While there are lots of affordable ways to […]

As homeowners grow older and retire, they look forward to a new chapter in their lives. They plan to travel more, spend time with grandkids, and read all the bestsellers, with plenty of time to putter around their home gardens. But all home gardens are not created equally; homeowners that don’t want to pay for […]

Those who go from renters to buyers will encounter a new kind of tax as a homeowner: property taxes. Location determines if, and how much a homeowner can potentially save through a homestead tax exemption, and while your mind is focused on taxes (albeit a different type of taxes), it’s time to do your research […]