Aging in Place: A Guide for Retirees and Older Adults
We can’t predict our futures, but we can plan for contingencies, especially as we age. AARP’s research shows that nearly 90% of seniors wish to stay in their own homes as they age. After all, home is where the heart is, it’s where we find comfort and familiarity and often, the best location to grow old. Here are some resources to help you maintain independence in your home in honor of National Aging in Place Week (October 15-21).
If You’re Looking for Home Modifications
Check out eldercare.gov and AARP. Even seniors with the best self-management skills may find that their home needs some upgrades in order to maintain a healthy and safe lifestyle. Take a look at AARP’s checklist to see if your house is ‘HomeFit,’ then determine what changes need to be made. These changes may include large projects like wheelchair ramps, or smaller upgrades to handrails and bathroom fixtures. Federal and local government grants and funds are available for home improvement assistance, to mitigate surprise costs and expenses.
If You’re Wondering About Program Benefits and Financial Aid
Check out BenefitsCheckup from the National Council on Aging. As a free service, the website provides information on over 2,500 federal, state, and private benefit programs with funding assistance in health care, medications, food and nutrition, tax relief, employment, and more. Using the service’s search tool, you can find benefits specific to you without talking to a middleman or a salesperson.
If You’re Looking for New Technologies for Seniors
Check out Aging in Place Technology Watch. Children and grandchildren of seniors aging in place worry about what might happen when their loved one is alone at home: how can family members be notified to get help as quickly as possible? New technologies have moved well beyond simple alert systems, and it can be difficult to know which tools are worth the cost. Technology industry analyst Laurie M. Orlov founded her company to provide market research, analysis and guidance “about technologies and services that enable boomers and seniors to remain longer in their home of choice.”
Open Mortgage is dedicated to empowering seniors. Call us today at 888-602-6626 to find out what’s best for you.