Getting Your Home Ready For Spring Shoppers
When springtime arrives, temperatures rise and the real estate market heats up. Most of us know how to take advantage of the warmer weather, but home sellers hoping to make the most of the peak season may benefit from some proven advice. Focusing on a few key areas can go a long way toward making your home stand out in a crowded marketplace.
No Surprises
One of the most important ways to prepare your home for sale is to make sure it’s not in need of any major repairs that could scare buyers away. Hopefully, it has been well maintained, but if you suspect there are problems, consider hiring a home inspector to assess the property in advance.
In any event, you’ll want to make sure the roof, plumbing, electrical and heating/cooling equipment are all in good working order. Potential buyers are likely to have it professionally inspected, so it’s best not to be surprised. Otherwise, there’s a chance your buyer will lose interest and move on to other options.
Clean and Captivating
Once you know there aren’t any deal-breaking problems to worry about, turn your attention to creating an inviting atmosphere for home shoppers. Depersonalize the home by removing personal photos and packing away unnecessary personal possessions. Eliminating clutter is also critical. It will help prospective buyers envision the home as their own, and make the house look larger than it is.
You may love the red walls in your dining room and fun murals in the children’s bedrooms, but buyers are more likely to focus on the time and money required to paint over them. Minimized decorations, streamlined furnishings and neutral paint colors will create a cleaner look with broader appeal.
Eye-Catching Exterior
However, before buyers can appreciate your efforts in the interior, you’ll need to get them inside. Start your strategy with curb appeal. Make sure the exterior of your home is clean and well maintained. A freshly painted front door will make a strong first impression, while updated, colorful landscaping will set your home apart from the competition.
Once your home has new happy buyers, contact Open Mortgage to get started on loan options for your next home adventure.