Open Mortgage announces ‘Buy Now, FreeFi Later’ campaign
Open Mortgage, a national multi-channel mortgage lender, has launched their “Buy Now, FreeFi Later” campaign, promising home shoppers that if they buy now, they’ll receive lender credit for a free refinance to be used at any time through 2025.
The campaign honors any first lien purchase mortgage with an application received before Oct. 31, 2023 and is closed with an Open Mortgage originator. Upon closing, the homebuyer will receive a certificate, which can be redeemed after six payments on their mortgage, good for up to $1,500 in lender credits to be used towards a future refinance before Dec. 31, 2025.
“We understand the current market can be intimidating for homebuyers, as 6% and 7% rates have become the norm,” said Scott Gordon, Founder and CEO of Open Mortgage. “But interest rates shouldn’t be the end-all reasoning for buying a home. Rates have historically ebbed and flowed, and this promise gives buyers the assurance that they can secure a future rate-reduction refinance without the added cost of common lender fees.”
For more information on the “Buy Now, FreeFi Later” campaign, visit openmortgage.com/free-fi. To find a lender in your area, visit openmortgage.com/find-an-office.
About Open Mortgage:
Open Mortgage is a multi-channel mortgage lender that empowers the dream of homeownership for thousands of families each year. Open Mortgage has more than 75 branches and is licensed to lend in 46 states, and maintains operations centers in Austin, TX, and Atlanta, GA. To learn more about Open Mortgage, visit openmortgage.com. To learn more about employment opportunities for loan originators, visit joinopenmortgage.com.