
A great handyman is worth their weight in gold. Finding someone you can trust can be a daunting task, but putting in research and effort on the front-end could prevent a lot of inconvenience and expense over the long term. Consider employing these must-ask questions before you shake hands and sign a contract with anyone […]

The pride of home ownership often includes keeping up your property’s curb appeal. The stars and stripes might be the perfect finishing touch, but did you know there are special guidelines for displaying and handling a U.S. flag? We’re here to guide you through it so you’re ready to go by Veteran’s Day, which falls […]

“No personal photos!” Some experts say it’s the first rule of home staging when you’re putting your house on the market. But what else should you do to beef up your curb (and interior) appeal? As you put those precious memories in storage to prepare for your home’s market debut, here are some ideas specific […]


If you’re considering refinancing, you’ll need to do the numbers more than once—and different homeowners have different needs and goals. If you’re a recent retiree with a traditional 30-year fixed rate mortgage, the current rates on a 15-year mortgage might have you wondering: is refinancing worth it? On the other hand, parents with a young […]

At Open Mortgage, it is our belief that we should all be on a journey to self-improvement. As we age, there are additional considerations to apply to this journey we call life, but the heart of it remains the same: How can I improve myself and, by extension, the world around me? Here’s some inspiration […]

Buying a house is exciting. Moving is not. But there are strategies that can help you make it as painless as possible. If you’re moving within six weeks, you’ll have no problems mastering a mega move. Moving in less time than that? Some of these plans can be reorganized to fit your schedule. Six Weeks […]

We can’t predict our futures, but we can plan for contingencies, especially as we age. AARP’s research shows that nearly 90% of seniors wish to stay in their own homes as they age. After all, home is where the heart is, it’s where we find comfort and familiarity and often, the best location to grow […]

Want to bring your A-game to Hallow’s Eve this year? Here are a few easy ways to make a hair-raising impression after sundown. Mood Lighting Changing the bulbs around the exterior of your home is perhaps the easiest (and least expensive) method of transitioning your house from welcoming to creepy. Switch the porch lights to […]