
The Thanksgiving meal—a time for hosting family and friends in your home, and also forgetting that dietary preferences for half your guests don’t fit the menu you planned. Whether your family serves hors d’oeuvres while comfortably waiting for the main event, or waits in tense silence for the turkey to finally finish, these options offer […]

The pride of home ownership often includes keeping up your property’s curb appeal. The stars and stripes might be the perfect finishing touch, but did you know there are special guidelines for displaying and handling a U.S. flag? We’re here to guide you through it so you’re ready to go by Veteran’s Day, which falls […]

Want to bring your A-game to Hallow’s Eve this year? Here are a few easy ways to make a hair-raising impression after sundown. Mood Lighting Changing the bulbs around the exterior of your home is perhaps the easiest (and least expensive) method of transitioning your house from welcoming to creepy. Switch the porch lights to […]

Part of the joy of home ownership is settling into the neighborhood and forming long-lasting friendships. Starting an annual Halloween party tradition brings the community together for something to look forward to all year long, whether guests are eight or 80 years old. Here are three ideas that are sure to be the hit of […]


Valentine’s Day is big. In fact, Americans spent around $20 billion on Valentine’s Day in 2016 alone (or $146 for each person who celebrated). But you can have a fantastic and romantic Valentine’s without spending lots, which is important if you’re saving to become a homeowner (or saving for other goals such as retirement). Here […]

It’s the holiday season, and many of us are busy buying gifts for family and friends. But how much you spend on those gifts may have a negative impact on your credit score. If you’re planning on buying a home in 2017, it’s good financial strategy to hold off on buying expensive gifts. It’s also […]

Thanksgiving is upon us (and Christmas is a month away), bringing us into America’s busiest travel season. With AAA predicting 43.5 million Americans will travel over 50 miles to celebrate Thanksgiving (the highest amount since 2007), many Americans will be leaving their homes unoccupied. Here are some tips to help secure your most valuable possession […]

Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for what we have. And it’s wonderful showing loved ones how much we appreciate them. But if you’re like most Americans, you’re trying to to get through the end of the year with your pocketbook intact! For Americans wanting to buy a house in 2017, it’s even more important to […]

Halloween is bigger than ever in the USA. In fact, the National Retail Federation predicts that for Halloween 2016, Americans will spend $8.4 billion (including $3.1 billion on costumes and $2.5 billion on candy). This come out to $82 dollars per person! And while it’s hard not to love a night where you can eat as […]